Sunnei is nothing if not real—a dose of veracity amidst the usual fashion frivolity. And yesterday, on a side street in the Milanese suburbs, outside the brand’s new flagship, design duo Simone Rizzo and Loris Messina proved that to be truer than ever.

In the open air—a big gamble on a February afternoon—on two rows of benches, Sunnei did away with the lavishness we’ve come to expect at fashion week. The garments, too, followed the same straightforward notion: good clothes to be bought and worn. Because you like them.

So, what of the good clothes in question? Pragmatic quarter-zips—in a variety of shades, patterns, and necklines—paired with wide-legged trousers sporting exaggerated front pleats, in everything from denim to velvet.

Then there were felted numbers, both tops and bottoms, closed with press buttons at the back—which, when undone, one might imagine, revealed the garment’s 2D pattern, the clothing equivalent of a net of a 3D shape.

Naturally, for Autumn/Winter, there was an abundance of outerwear—slouchy bombers, classic wool overcoats, and puffer vests aplenty. And more than sufficient fuzzy jumpers, with matching gloves, to satisfy any certified cool girl. (Literally—if you have bad circulation and get cold easily, this collection is for you.)

It’s an open secret in fashion nowadays that honesty is hard to come by. But what most brands fear to admit, this show said out loud—a sobering yet somehow equally refreshing reminder of the reality of our industry. As Sunnei themselves stated, “Let’s not overcomplicate it. Fashion is about buying and selling, and there’s nothing wrong with saying that matters to us.”