Sebastian Mejia was born in Peru, he grew up in Colombia and studied photography at the School of Visual Arts in NY. He exhibited his work in the Photographer’s Gallery in London, Fondation Cartier in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chile among others. He currently resides in Santiago de Chile.
Mejia’s work has always been focusing on portraying the landscape, especially the urban one. His field of investigation focuses on the traces of primitive life that commonly goes unnoticed in the modern metropolis. Due to the serial character of the work, the absence of human presence highlights the anthropomorphic traits of natural shapes.
About ‘Expeditions’ – words by Veronica Aguirre:
Sebastián Mejía’s photographs are intended to show a panorama, understood as a complex construction characterized by presenting the landscape as it is: as one modeled by ideas, visions, efforts and materializations made in time. It is like a part of a historical process of long duration, and, therefore, it is both a reflection and a criticism of the human operations at a certain point in time.
His work, carried out as part of a series of urban incursions, sets a photographic point of view and establishes questions such as: how is our environment morphologically and narratively configured? How has the contemporary city been manipulated? How should different materialitiesbe confronted in space ? From these questions, we are encouraged to observe, in particular, the small scale of the material condition of the city.