This is an unpublished project premiered today on C41 Magazine.

Samuel Harris is a 24 year old photographer located in Columbus, OH. Starting to photograph about three years ago using a cheap DSLR, his approaches soon became an escape happening in his own neighborhood. It became a place to roam around aimlessly for hours in search of the often missed and mundane pieces that make up his environment. Along with having a reason to be outside every day, photography is the only thing that offers his the ability to shut out all thoughts and focus on what really stands out as an artist.

Photography thus is for Samuel a media and a set of skills that allows him to take in the environment as a whole and really pick apart what sticks out in terms of abnormality between the mundane and banal.

About ‘Kid for Today’ – words by Samuel Harris:

Viewing the town you live in over and over again as you drive to work or visit friends can often make what surrounds you boring. I wanted to show that there are always traces of human interaction within any environment that wasn’t there the day before. Things get moved, pushed, spilled, repaired, trashed, etc. All you need to do is take a few steps outside your house to find something that wasn’t visible before.