Patrick says about himself:

“I have always liked to write, but soon I realized that communication based on characters is not my forte. Maybe this is the reason why I dedicate myself to photography. There is something I would like to say, but I am more comfortable saying it through pictures.

What is it that I want to say? Quite a lot of things, but I get the feeling that from year to year my work is ever more focusing on one particular aspect . I do not have trouble producing ideas. I take my dog for a walk, put on my headphones. Only when I am back home, it starts to get complicated when it is time to decide which ideas are bad and which are not.

I have read an article about ‘How to write an artist statement’ which says that you have to explain what is special about the way you make (your) art. I like to use artificial light. And here I go using a phrase I did not want to use. Maybe I should say: ‘I use one strobe, which I fire a lot‘.”

The Paper Has No Profil

About ‘The paper has no profil’:

The role of the photographer has changed over time. In the past it has been the craft of a few to turn blank paper into a photograph, using the darkroom. Today, all you need to do is press the shutter button.

Everyone who owns a camera is a photographer. At least this is the public opinion. Rather than creative quality, all that counts is the size of the camera and the length of the lens. The incredible amount of pictures being produced day by day deprives photography of its mystique.

For me, this trend can also be interpreted as an opportunity for the medium itself. Today it looks simple to get a sharp and well exposed image. The technical handling becomes a standard, which puts the motive in the center of attention.

The question will more often be “why“ instead of “how“. When I started photography I found myself watching for other photographers with better equipment than mine. I know that figuring out this point takes time – in hope of shrinking down the time I need for it myself, I created this series.

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The Paper Has No Profil

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