Luca Grottoli is a Photographer and Creative Director based in London and Milano. Luca provides strategic and creative brand vision across all platforms serving, among its clients, some of the most well-respected brands and companies in the fashion and luxury industry. With the aim of finding the right answers to each of his clients Luca collaborates with some of the best talents of his generation.
About It is what it is – words by Luca Grottoli:
Since his childhood Luca Grottoli aimed to become a Photographer. Now he actually managed to be one and he is working with several fashion brands, sometimes as Art Director, too. His photographic language kicks in portraying situations perceived as ordinary, without manipulating them as they were a vehicle to transmit deep concepts. Luca feels a sort of refusal to necessarily associate a moral meaning to his images, just to elevate them and make them more appealing for the audience. He doesn’t like to embrace all those messages which dominate the beauty of the image in itself and merely for itself. That’s the reason why he firmly believes in the motto “don’t take it too seriously”. This concept has brought him to give life to an ironic and kind of “selfish” photography which is only interested in what Luca likes. His photos are the praise of a deep lightness, which eschews artificiality and superficiality.Here lies his essence : It is what it is. And a photo, is a photo.