Jose Ramirez says about himself:

“My name is Joss and I am a traveling photographer with no regards to planing or expecting anything in return from the photos I take. I simply snap a photo in remembrance of how I feel during my trips. I don’t have a style and I think it’s best not to have one. I often tell myself that consistency kills and will lead to a hole I don’t want to be in.

I enjoy shooting landscape and street. Sometimes I do black and white and push through as many boundaries as I can. Right now I could say I’m fond of minimalism and harsh toned colors ways that make a photo reflect that of the dreamworld I live in sometimes. I think it’s important to travel and put myself in unusual predicaments. I feel like that’s where true art form and creativity come from.”

About ‘California’:

As far as my body of work pertaining to California, I would take note that it comes from a space where I feel more vulnerable then ever before. I can say that it’s a reflection of how I saw myself at the time. There’s a feeling of a lot of space being utilized by the emptiness of the world. The warm tones of blues yellows oranges and pinks to that of darker tones of blues oranges browns. Because of the shift in tones, there are 2 stories being told. For me the warm tones tell a story about traveling. And the darker tones tell the story about pursuing passions. But I’m not one to make anything definite. The story changes just like you or me.

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