C41 Bookshop at BiM, conceived in collaboration with Reading Room presents its new design by USM Modular Furniture. For nearly 60 years, Swiss company USM Modular Furniture has been providing high-quality, timeless modular furniture suitable for both home and office. Recognised as a design classic, USM Modular Furniture has been formally accepted into the Permanent Design Collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), confirming the artistic character of the product. Created from a few basic elements, the company’s furniture offers customised solutions that can be expanded or reconfigured as needed. Each piece of furniture leaves room for maximum versatility and creativity. To promote long-term use, all USM Modular Furniture product lines are made from high-quality materials to ensure strength and durability. C41 presents the new design through a conversation with Francesca Spiller, Founder of Reading Room, a Milan-based bookshop which has been curating the magazines’ selection at BiM.

C41: How did the collaboration with C41 in BiM start?

Francesca Spiller: The collaboration with C41 began several years ago, and when I was introduced to the new BiM project, I was excited to participate. I have a high regard for C41’s work and am happy to contribute to this new initiative.

C41: What are the 5 must-have elements for a bookshop? What do you think of USM Modular Furniture’s design?

FS: Functional displays and shelving, optimal lighting, clear signage, welcoming design, and a peaceful environment are essential elements. I appreciate the design of USM Modular Furniture for its perfect combination of functionality, aesthetics, and flexibility.

C41: What was your first impression of the new design?

FS: My first impression was excellent. I really appreciate modular systems because they offer the flexibility to easily transform and adapt to different needs.

C41: When working on new collaborative magazine curating projects how much does location affect your choice of publications?

FS: Location is critical because each space has specific physical characteristics that need to be considered when selecting magazines. For example, having a space that favours horizontal exposure allows you to accommodate more delicate publications.

C41: One last question, going back to your origins: what led you to found Reading Room?

FS: I wanted to create a space dedicated to the dissemination and understanding of contemporary magazines, around which a community of professionals and enthusiasts like myself could grow.