Angelo Iodice was born in Barletta in 1980, he graduated in Chemistry at the University of Bari in 2006.
The attraction for chemically perfect events leads him to catalog them, to study them and to wait for the result of the interaction between them.
The study of archeology, the ancient pagan rituals, the attraction towards the indeterminate and the elusive holograms through physical-chemical formulas, is needed to bring out light magmatic sensations and far obsessions. Concepts like the Entanglement such as the particle inseparability, the continuous references to the alchemy of Pisanian type, the heterotopic space, the figure of the doppelgänger are the basis of Iodice’s poetics that once anagrammatized produce unusual shapes and visions that enchant.
Angelo Iodice lives and works in Italy
About ‘ Paraclausithyron’ – words by Angelo Iodice:
Paraclausithyron is a motif in Greek and especially Augustan love elegy, as well as in troubadour poetry. The details of the Greek etymology are uncertain, but it is generally accepted to mean “lament beside a door”.
“Paraclausithyron”, is a photographic project, in which archaeological areas in Italy become zones where it’s possible to get in contact with someone or something. The archaeological site becomes a link between space and the non-space.
Ermes is the figure that carries you through this experience, a pagan god that opens the door to the dreams and accompanies souls toward Hades. The livid colour remembers what of the dream, the dimension it is not real but human, is palpable also finding himself in a not-space, in an anteroom, for the classical Greek culture, Dreams and Death were of the same matter. Then all the places visited and photographed have been reported on a map of Italy and joining all points, it seemed the constellation of the Zither, the object sacred to Ermes.
So constantly the references and the coincidences help to interpret and understand the work of Angelo Iodice.